
Emergency numbers in Jamaica

Emergency numbers in Jamaica

Wherever you choose to travel, always keep a record of the contact numbers for emergency services in that area.

You may never know when you will require the service and having this information on hand can make a huge difference in the outcomes, in the case of any event that threatens your life. 

The emergency services in Jamaica include the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Jamaica Fire Brigade, and in the case of a hurricane or other natural disasters, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM).

There are also a number of private ambulance services on the island, in cases of accidents and to facilitate transfers to hospitals and other medical facilities for treatment. 

Main emergency numbers in Jamaica

Listed below are the main emergency numbers that you can call in the event of a life-threatening incident.

Local telecommunication providers offer unlimited, free calls to these numbers.

Police: 119

Fire: 110

Ambulance: 110

Also, if you're visiting the city of Kingston and you need assistance, reach out to the police hotline 24 hours daily on
1876-927-9910 OR 1876-927-7681 OR 1876-927-7778. 

Other general emergency numbers

For other incidences that are not immediately life-threatening, you may call the following numbers to access swift assistance.

Hurricane update: 116

General information: 114

Lifeline Medical Response: 876-974-6404

Ambucare Ambulance Service: 876-978-2327 Or 876-978-6021 Or 876-978-8253 Or 876-927-5337 876-809-1119

Emed Jamaica Ltd: 876-275-1119

Jamaica Red Cross: 876-984-7860

Air-Sea Rescue: 119

Air Ambulance: - 24-hours:

Karvin Air 1876978-8405/Cell. 1876-995-7745

Wings Jamaica: 1876-923-5416/6573 (day); 1876-927-9769 (night)

Coast Guard: 1876-967-8031/8223/8190-3

Stolen motor vehicle: 119 / 1876-922-3771 OR 1876-927-7681-2

Safety precautions and tips for emergency situations

No one is ever completely prepared for a sudden, life-threatening incident. Therefore, it is natural for you to feel a flurry of emotions in the moment. 

While it may be challenging, first responders will always advise you to never panic in cases of emergency. Panicking often escalates negative outcomes.

Also, never second-guess asking for help, especially when seeking assistance for children and the elderly in emergency situations. 
